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June 25, 2011

Monologue — “Afghanistan”: (MP3) | (PDF)

Adam on the President’s Afghanistan troop reductions, and your calls!

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Adam speaks Bud Howard, a locked out union worker from Keokuk, Iowa ( http://www.bctgm.org/linkedsites/Roquette/resources.html ) and Naomi Oreskes, author of Merchants of Doubt (merchantsofdoubt.org ).

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Adam speaks with Tim DeChristopher (PeacefulUprising.org) who disrupted the sale of public lands under the Bush administration, and your calls!

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"I see a big difference between anger and rage.
Rage is a very dangerous and disfiguring thing because it always has the same goal -- to destroy. Anger, on the other hand, is a normal human emotion that, when channeled properly, can change the world."