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Is it Right for Netanyahu to say Israel is a Jewish state?

Is it Right for Netanyahu to say Israel is a Jewish state?
This is an extremely interesting question for me and this post was triggered by a statement from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, quoted here from the Jewish Chronicle Online…-Benjamin Netanyahu has offered to halt construction in the West Bank if the Palestinians recognise Israel as a Jewish state. The Israeli prime minister said that the Middle East conflict “will never end” unless the Palestinians agree to this.-
…That’s interesting…Sixty five years ago in 1945 at the end of WWII something very similar was said as a justification for creating the state of Israel.
After the Holocaust it was taken as an almost universal truth that the Jewish people had suffered long enough in Europe (in exile from their Middle Eastern roots) not only at the hands of a psychotic fool like Adolf Hitler who believed in the idea of Germans as an Aryan ‘master race’, but also at the hands of racist and bigoted non-Jews throughout Europe.
I was raised in the South as a philosophical Christian…that is, my parents believed in the Golden Rule and the Lords Prayer and didn’t think it was particularly important to go to church or not. I never did. I have always had my own personal relationship with God.
…Even as a child, the images of Hitler’s monstrous face (as he spoke words I couldn’t even understand) drove me to a dangerous level of hate and I am ashamed to say I spent more time dreaming of having been alive in his time and invented a way to sink my teeth into his throat and rip out his esophagus than anything else. He was as close to pure evil as anyone can be, if you are looking for an Anti-Christ, he was it.
As a patriotic citizen I will never forget what America did for the world with our revolution to found the US and our Civil War to deny racism and our role in WWII and I thank God for America.
But I am personally troubled to hear the leader of our greatest ally in the Middle East say that we must all accept that ‘Israel is a Jewish Nation’.
I believe with every bone in my body and every fiber of my being that God chooses no nation, chooses no people, chooses no religion and sees us all as a whole…and as individuals…
I don’t want any country to be, of any one religion, or race, or creed.
As I searched around the ‘net while writing this I came on this description of Israel at the site of a travel agency…Oh God, how I wish that Benjamin Netanyahu saw Israel this way…
“Israel is a place of great diversity; Christians, Jews, and Muslims all consider it to be one of the holiest places in the world, and with good reason. To the Christians, this is where Jesus and His followers walked and where the great Biblical events were enacted. To Muslims, the Prophet Mohammad entered heaven from where the Dome of the Rock now stands in Jerusalem. For Jews, Jerusalem has always been a sacred city, gateway to the land of their ancestors. It is little wonder that Israel is home to many beautiful, fascinating churches, synagogues, and mosques.”

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